Welcome to VQ Level S Course 1 (Lessons #1~10)
The following words are covered in this lesson:
abstruse | abstruse essay | hard to understand; esoteric |
autonomous | 50 autonomous states | self-governing |
daunt | undaunted by the threat | intimidate |
efface | efface the graffiti | rub out |
fell | lumberjack felled the tree | cut or knock down |
incontrovertible | incontrovertible evidence | indisputable; not open to question |
marred | marred surface of the table | damaged; disfigured |
piety | piety of the nuns | religious devotion; godliness |
reprehensible | reprehensible actions of the terrorists | deserving blame |
superficial | superficial knowledge of grammar | trivial; shallow |
In this presentation
Lecture Video
Audio Drill
Quiz – Elementary Level
Quiz – Intermediate Level